Dialogue, Explore, Bond.



Anonymous listening service
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For students, from students

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Guide for Associations, Teams, Services
Discover your university’s organizations

Working together to give more

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Learn together,
How to be together

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Our story

You are not alone.

On March 3, 2019, the idea behind ​​the association was born in the minds of a group of six students who, recognizing the situation of rampant stress, anxiety and problems related to studying, investigated the services already offered and identified an alternative solution not yet present:

An association that offered support to students that was not given by psychologists, for a fee, and with limited sessions, but by their peers who wanted to listen to them anonymously, for free, and to help them socializing and learning how their university works …

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Telegram service times

Monday to Friday
From 18:00 to 22:00

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[email protected]

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We are here to help. It’s our mission.

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